Dry Mix Mortar for Brick or Block Construction
Ready Mix Plaster for Walls and Screed applications

Quality Assurance by Mortar SA (MSA)

Dry Mix Mortar for Brick or Block Construction
Ready Mix Plaster for Walls and Screed applications

The Raw Materials:
Specially selected Malmesbury sand is mined in the Darling area and checked for conformance on a continual basis. Only accredited cement supplers are used in the process.

The Dry Mortar Mix Process:
Malmesbury sand is kiln dried and double sifted, to remove unwanted organic, foreign and larger particles at our plant in Darling. Sand, cement and admixtures are then precisely weighed and mixed in accordance with SABS and NHBRC guidelines, to give a guaranteed final mortar strength as per SABS SANS 2001-CM I: Table 8 for Class II mortar.Accredited Cemt Suppliers

Internal and External Testing:

Regular samples are taken from the production line to make cubes for internal testing. Sample cubes are also sent to Accredited Laboratories for external testing to make sure that our customers receive only the highest quality mortar.

Our years of experience and development of our products allow us to ensure you a top quality product for your mortar for bricklaying, plaster and screed.

Mortar SA has a single multiple purpose product for bricklaying, scratch plastering or smooth plaster and light floor screeds. Now you only need to order and manage one product for all these applications.

Concrete mixes are also achievable by adding stone and additional cement as required.

Our drymix products can be delivered in 40ton silos, 40Kg and 20Kg dry mix bags. We can deliver within 24 hours from order placement.

Service Back up:
With five 30 ton pump trucks and two 15 ton silo trucks and three 36 ton flatbeds for the prompt delivery no matter what your building needs might be.

Should you have any queries or related questions, please feel free to call us or drop us an email. Contact Us

Dry Mortar Mix